Home of the Little-Known Blogger

12 April 2007

Viet Nam

Dear Hannity & Colmes;
This evening on your show, Mr. Colmes made the statement that after the American withdrawal from Viet Nam, that country went on to become a thriving capitalist country.  Although I respect Mr. Colmes' right to state his opinion, I feel the need to point out that nearly four million people were politically executed following the Communist takeover of Viet Nam, and despite the implementation of free-market strategies, Viet Nam remains a staunchly communist country.  Additionally, certain minorities--such as the Montagnards, who are persecuted simply for refusing to give up the practice of Christianity--are routine robbed, beaten and tortured by their own government.  Further, they are prevented by their own government from addressing grievances to any international organization, including Amnesty International and the United Nations.

Jason C. Diederich

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